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How to Support Your Event or Product Launch Using Facebook Ads: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you keen to take control of your event or product launch Meta ad management? It’s totally something you can DIY—so long as you have the right approach!

We all know it’s more challenging than ever before to capture that elusive organic engagement on Facebook. But how about advertising? Is the Facebook of 2022 still a valuable platform for your next event or product launch? Let’s take a look at some statistics:
  • CPC on Facebook remains under $1 on average (Databox)
  • Facebook has almost 3 billion monthly active users (Sprout Social)
  • Nearly 86% of daily users on Facebook are outside the US/Canada (KlientBoost)
  • 74% of high-net-worth individuals use Facebook to find products to buy (Website Rating)
  • 80% of customers prefer personalized Facebook ads (Forbes)
The data’s conclusive: Facebook’s advertising continues to grow. It’s still one of the best social media platforms to get eyes on your new product or get people to that next event. So the next question likely on your mind is, “How to launch a product or event successfully on Facebook? Read on for some fresh Facebook launch ad launch tips savvy marketers need to know.

Get Planning

Before you do anything else, you need to spend some time working out the whys and projections of your product launch. Why? Statistics show that project planners who work with a well-thought-out system meet close to 80 percent of their goals and have a success rate of well over 50 percent.

Set Some Goals

The goals you set at the brief stage make up the core of your launch brief for Facebook advertising. They define your direction, ensuring each ad you craft has the best chance of achieving your objectives. And they can’t just be in your head; you need to get them down on (digital) paper. You’re almost 50% more likely to achieve written goals. You’ll need specific metrics for this task, including your target audience demographics, product or event description, monthly budget, performance forecasting, what you hope to get out of the ad campaigns, and what drives your customers to buy. If you’re unsure how to structure your goals or brief, we provide a brief sheet and forecasting/performance calculator in the Viral Octopus DIY Template Tool for Event/Product Launch Facebook Ads.

Audit Your Competitors

It’s essential to monitor your competitor’s moves periodically. At least some of your competitors have likely optimized their Facebook Ads strategy over time—especially if they’ve been investing in ads longer than you. And you might want to apply the strategies they already have in place yourself. There are three steps to this audit:
  1. Use a tool like SimilarWeb to check how important social media traffic is to your competitor’s strategy
  2. Use Facebook’s Ad Library to see every ad your competitor is running on Facebook
  3. Summarize your findings in an audit report


Once again, this tip comes straight from the minds of the Facebook ad experts here at Viral Octopus. You’ll find an editable Competitors Audit Report worksheet in our DIY Template Tool for Event/Product Launch Facebook Ads gig.

Lock in Your Timeline

When it comes to launching a product or event, timing is everything. The time of day, week, or month, proximity to national or regional holidays, and your competitors’ activities all matter. Set your product launch date as your deadline and work backward from there. You’ll quickly see if the project scope is feasible or if dates need to be adjusted. Give yourself time for pre-launch marketing and promotion activities (read: Facebook ads creation and scheduling) and some time for post-launch conversion and reporting.

Consider the Campaign Creatives

Finally, you get to the fun part: conceptualizing your ad campaign! Think about:
  • The visual style of your ads—keep it on-brand with a mood board
  • Product shoots—keep them inspirational
  • Image gathering—especially for event venues
  • Considering video—it’s being pushed by Facebook
  • Ad copywriting—we’ve got an action plan here
  • Complying with Facebook ad specs


Now all that’s left to do is create and schedule your ads. Good luck!

Don’t Ignore Advice from Meta

There’s nothing wrong with learning from the experts. Marketing gurus have a lot of helpful advice on both a practical and theoretical level. But since we want to know how to market best on Facebook, it makes sense to let what Meta says about its product inform our decision-making. For example, the Meta Business Help Center is full of best practice guidelines on everything from event advertising to running ads with product tags and checkout. They also have a handy dandy graphic outlining aspect ratios for Ad Manager placements. Remember, you need to know the rules if you want to break them—or at the very least get the most out of them!

Ensure Success for Your Event or Product Launch

Are you a busy agency marketer? Perhaps you run a small business on a tight budget? With Facebook advertising spend at US$0.97 and US$7.19 per click for every 1000 impressions and agency ad management setting you back an average of US$4200 a month, it’s easy to see why the DIY route is the smart choice for your next event or product launch.
We hope the tips in this guide help you manage your advertising yourself. But if you want a little more help, why not turn to the experts at Viral Octopus? Book our DIY Template Tool for Event/Product Launch Facebook Ads gig, and you’ll learn to optimize your ad budget effectively, and craft expertly targeted, highly engaging, lead-generating Facebook ads. The step-by-step instructions guide you in using our system and creating your ads. Work entirely by yourself or bring people onto the gig as needed. Let’s evolve together!

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